Event on Saturday October 13, 2018
CONTACT: Anita Ross, Sacramento TBTN Organizer, [email protected]
Sacramento’s 39th Annual Rally and March to end sexual, gender-based, and all forms of violence.
#WeMarchTogether #BelieveSurvivors
Over 500 expected to gather.
Sacramento, CA (October 11, 2018) – On Second Saturday, October 13, 2018 Sacramento’s 39th Annual Take Back the Night Rally and March will take place at the Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. (2020 J Street, Sacramento) from 5:30pm to 9:00pm. This event is aimed at empowering our community to resist and end sexual, gender-based, and all forms of violence through community-led action.
Keyko Torres, a board member of the Sacramento Take Back the Night organization, says “From Weinstein to Kavanaugh, from #MeToo to #TimesUp, the fight against gender-based violence and sexual assault is being highlighted in the media and has become the forefront of our conversations. With so many survivors coming forward and out of the shadows, Take Back the Night is very important, as it connects us to our local resources, provides a safe space, and says “We believe you, we believe survivors.”
While the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to SCOTUS is extremely disappointing to so many, the one silver lining is that more survivors of sexual violence are speaking up and coming together to bring about change. One of the event organizers, Anita Ross, recently emceed a candlelight vigil for survivors at the state capitol, and says “The most eye-opening moment of the night was when I asked how many of us were a part of the MeToo movement and it looked like at least 80% of the crowd had their hands up.” Speaking up is part of the healing process for a survivor and so the fight for resisting and ending sexual violence will only get stronger.
This year’s event will feature powerful community leaders, activists, performers and survivors who are ready to send a strong message that survivors will not go quietly.
The Sacramento Take Back the Night event features three major components: A resource fair, featuring over 35 community organizations, a rally and a march. The rally will open with a Miwok Blessing and speakers include:
- Anita Ross, Emcee: Women for Equality
- Elaine Whitefeather: A Community For Peace
- Ebony Ava Harper: California Endowment
- Marissa Barrera: Activist
- Eddie Carmona: PICO California
- Jameer Sale: PSL
- Desiree Rojas: Sacramento Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
- Maggy Krell: Planned Parenthood
Performers include:
- Danzantes: Folklórico Dance
- Kate Livoni: Folk Music
- Niki Jones: Spoken Word
- Blyue Rose Dance Project: Dance
- Tanya Faison & Brrazey Liberty: Music & Spoken Word
- Fenix Drum: Music & Dance
- Spacewalker: Folk/Soul/Synth Music
What: Sacramento’s 39th Annual Take Back the Night Rally & March
When: October 13th, 2018
Start Time: 5:30pm | March through Midtown: 8:30pm
Where: Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. (2020 J Street, Sacramento)
Facebook Event: events/192022234822450/